Remote Carwash

Designed & Coded with in Copenhagen

Who We Are

At Remote Carwash, we’re on a mission to revolutionize the car wash industry by making automation accessible and user-friendly for car wash owners. Inspired by the minimalist elegance of Nordic design, we’ve crafted a user interface that seamlessly integrates into your car wash operations, making it as easy to manage as your TV remote control.

Rooted in Copenhagen, Denmark

Our passion for simplicity and innovation is deeply rooted in our Danish heritage. With our headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, we bring a unique blend of Scandinavian design and technological expertise to our car wash automation system.

What We Do

Experience Nordic Design for a User-Friendly Interface

Our minimalist design philosophy is evident throughout Remote Carwash, making it easy to navigate and manage your operations. We’ve eliminated unnecessary clutter and distractions, ensuring that the focus remains on the essential task at hand – managing your car wash effectively.

Join the Future of Car Wash Automation

Our Story

Experience Nordic Design for a User-Friendly Interface

Our minimalist design philosophy is evident throughout Remote Carwash, making it easy to navigate and manage your operations. We’ve eliminated unnecessary clutter and distractions, ensuring that the focus remains on the essential task at hand – managing your car wash effectively.

Join the Future of Car Wash Automation


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We Serve 2,000 car wash businesses globally.

Handling appointments every month.

Handling appointments every month.

Forretninger med tæt kundekontakt (liberale serviceerhverv) kan fx være frisører.

Samtlige tiltag gælder til og med 28. februar 2021. Der gælder blandt andet forsamlingsforbud på fem personer, afstandsanbefaling på 2 meter samt påbud om mundbind eller visir mv. Derudover er der fortsat restriktioner og tiltag vedrørende blandt andet lukning af serveringssteder og detailhandel samt hjemsendelse af studerende og skoleelever mv.

Det betyder, at visse liberale serviceerhverv skal holde lukket for offentligheden. Det gælder tatovør-, piercing-, spa-, kropspleje-, skønheds- og massageklinikker, frisører og øvrige lokaler, hvor der leveres tjenesteydelser, som efter deres karakter indebærer tæt fysisk kontakt til kunder samt solarier og køreskoler.
